Agile Leadership in Practice
The ALIP education is designed around four specific modules that builds upon each other with hands-on exercises and teamwork that supports the continuous learning experience.
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Module 1 (2 days)
Topics: The servant, coaching and facilitation
Your role as an Agile Leader will be framed. The core is servant leadership. When you lead you have to be able to lead yourself first and you have to be able to serve others. You will learn how to lead changes inside and around a team, doing both individual coaching, pair and team coaching.
After Module 1:
- Groups are established to work on coaching and team coaching towards module 2.
- Individual written assignment part 1
- Real life challenge at work: Try the right stance
Module 2 (1 day)
Topics: The leader and teaching
You will learn how do you use metaphors, storytelling, and pathos to engage people and teams.
You will learn how to do brain supporting teaching and what techniques you can use in different situations. You will learn different models, principles, and techniques and use them in practices.
After Module 2:
- Groups continue to work as mastermind coach groups supporting daily challenges
- Individual written assignment part 2
- Real life challenge at work: Public speaking
Module 3 (1 day)
Topics: Agile Foundation and Mindset
You will learn what you need to know as an Agile Leader when it comes to the core foundation of Agile and an empirical mindset. How to support teams and how to spot dysfunctions and help teams the right way.
After Module 3:
- Groups continue to work as mastermind coach groups supporting daily challenges
- Individual written assignment part 3
- Real life challenge at work: Agile dysfunctions
Module 4 (1 day)
Topics: Culture and agile organizations
You will learn how to nurture a culture and an agile mindset and how to descale organizational complexity in teams and across teams.
The Agile Leadership in Practice education is for all types of leaders working in an agile organization.
Each participant must:
- Have minimum 1 years of experience as leader
- Work in an organization with agile teams
- Have a 1:1 talk with one of the trainers before module 1
Criteria for certification
The requirements to be a Certified Agile Leadership in Practice:
- Active participation in all modules to support own and others learning
- Pass the individual written certification assignment part 1, 2 and 3
- Pass real life challenges at work part 1, 2 and 3
In addition to participation in all 4 modules, you must expect to use around 32 hours between the modules.
What do you get?
- A solid education with all the knowledge you need to become Certified ALIP
- A unique Agile Leadership in Practice ”manual” with description of all models and techniques used in the education
- Membership off a professional online network for Certified ALIP
- Accredited as Certified ALIP on
- A yearly face-to-face with Certified ALIP on a location in Denmark
There is a limit of 12 participants.
Underviser: Mads Troels Hansen & Ole Rich Henningsen
Professional Scrum Trainer & Agile Coach
Ole Rich Henningsen
Ole er en passioneret produktudvikler med særlig fokus på de agile værdier og principper. Han har gennem de seneste 16 år arbejdet med delivery og discovery praktikker og teknikker hos en lang række virksomheder.
Oles repertoire er bredt; Eksempelvis har han vundet iværksætterpriser med egne startup og samtidig haft ansvar for nogle af de største agile transitioner i Danmark. Ole er certificeret facilitator, coach og har været certificeret trainer siden 2010.
Læs mere om Ole på LinkedIn
Mads Troels Hansen
Mads er certificeret Professional Scrum Træner hos og er en af de mest erfarne i Danmark inden for implementering af og praktisk arbejde med Scrum, Kanban og Agile teknikker. Han har omkring 20 års erfaring med at arbejde agilt fra mange danske og internationale virksomheder og har som Udviklingschef/CTO indført Scrum i mange forskellige virksomheder med afdelinger i DK, Østeuropa og Asien. Han har mere end 15 års praktisk erfaring med at lede teams og afdelinger til at blive mere agile og skabe flere resultater med mere motiverede medarbejdere
Mads er bla. certified Professional Scrum Trainer ved, Certified Facilitator, Certified Coach og "Training from the Back of the Room" Certified Trainer. Teknikker og principper fra "Training from the Back of the Room" bruges i alle hans kurser og workshops til at maksimere læring for deltagerne.
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