What I learned from  Professional Scrum with Kanban (PSK) course from Scrum.org.

The PSK course is an advanced course about how to use Kanban techniques and principles together with Scrum.

Early in 2018, I participated in a Train-The-Trainer class together with many other PST’s from Scrum.org.

What I learned from the Professional Scrum with Kanban course

PSK class in Holland together with other PST’s

Before joining the class, I read the first beta version of the new (at that time not yet published) Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams from scrum.org.

My learning with this class, can be categorized in the following areas:

  1. Before, by reading the Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams from scrum.org.
  2. During, by the content of the class, exercises, more advanced Scrum topics and much better understanding of flow and flow metrics
  3. After, by studying the material again, reading blog posts and reading the books by Daniel Vacanti (Actionable Agile Metrics) and Yuval Yeret (Holy Land Kanban). Students on a PSK course, will get a eBook versions. And taking the PSK assessment for certification.

I managed to get my PSK notes down to a 2 page mindmap:

What I learned from the Professional Scrum with Kanban course

So, what did I learn?

Well, first of all so much more about flow efficiency and Lean thinking that I wish I knew in the past.

How to measure in a much better way using flow metrics like

  • Work in Progress (WIP)
  • Cycle Time
  • Work Item Age
  • Throughput

How to use and communicate SLE forecasts.

The key thing is the “Definition of Workflow” and how to use it together with Scrum.

And, of course also how using a flow-based perspective can enhance Scrum events.

And much more…

I wish every experienced Scrum team will learn about Scrum with Kanban and how it can help them in their work.


What can you do?

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